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We Are Called

The architect, philosopher and futurist R. Buckminster Fuller wrote, “We arecalled to be architects of the future, not its victims.” In our changing worldthat call has become increasingly urgent: when we hear it, how can werespond in ways that help create the future we hope to see? The Reverend Carol McKinley, now retired, lives in … Continue reading We Are Called

In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil

Life doesn’t always pause when our hearts are heavy, our minds are fractured, or our spirits feel like they’re unraveling. This truth is both raw and universal. And yet, we endure. That’s the miracle of being human–we endure. Somewhere in the depths of our pain, we find reserves of strength we didn’t know we possessed. … Continue reading In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil