Speaker: Guest Minister - Rev. Kate Lore

Rev. Kate Lore is a Unitarian Universalist minister known for her work in social justice and community ministry. She has served in various roles, including as a Minister of Social Justice at First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon and Senior Minister at Quimper UU Fellowship in Port Townsend, WA. Her ministry often focuses on progressive causes, advocating for marginalized communities, and addressing issues like racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration. Rev. Lore is also a speaker and writer, frequently sharing insights on the intersection of spirituality and social activism.

Through the Storm: Finding Light in Life’s Changes

We ALL face challenging changes and losses in our lives–whether it be a change in our health, the loss of a loved one, or the evaporation of a dream. And every time we face such changes, we are offered a powerful spiritual choice. Rev. Kate Lore is a Unitarian Universalist minister known for her work … Continue reading Through the Storm: Finding Light in Life’s Changes

In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil

Life doesn’t always pause when our hearts are heavy, our minds are fractured, or our spirits feel like they’re unraveling. This truth is both raw and universal. And yet, we endure. That’s the miracle of being human–we endure. Somewhere in the depths of our pain, we find reserves of strength we didn’t know we possessed. … Continue reading In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil

Blessed Stillness, Sacred Dark

Join us for our special Solstice Service. Let us gather together with songs, stories and ritual to honor the sacred darkness and prepare ourselves for the return of the sun.  For location maps and parking information at The Island School look here. For childcare information email our office at office@CedarsUUChurch.org or call (206) 780-0373.

However Long the Night

We are entering what is for many of us a magical time of year. For others, though, these days come with sorrow and stress. How do we navigate the complexities of the holiday season? Rev. Kate Lore is a Unitarian Universalist minister known for her work in social justice and community ministry. She has served in various roles, … Continue reading However Long the Night