Archives: Services

Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

This talk will focus on the potent inner/outer landscape: the intersection between who we feel we are internally and how we behave in the world. As areas of confluence in the natural world, ecotones are especially rich in biodiversity. Viewing ecotones as a concept, we can begin to apply their value in human contexts – … Continue reading Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

We Are Called

The architect, philosopher and futurist R. Buckminster Fuller wrote, “We arecalled to be architects of the future, not its victims.” In our changing worldthat call has become increasingly urgent: when we hear it, how can werespond in ways that help create the future we hope to see? The Reverend Carol McKinley, now retired, lives in … Continue reading We Are Called

In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil

Life doesn’t always pause when our hearts are heavy, our minds are fractured, or our spirits feel like they’re unraveling. This truth is both raw and universal. And yet, we endure. That’s the miracle of being human–we endure. Somewhere in the depths of our pain, we find reserves of strength we didn’t know we possessed. … Continue reading In the Depths of Darkness: Harnessing Our Strength in Times of Turmoil

Afraid of attending a dying person? Why you needn’t be.

Visiting an elderly uncle in Toronto recently, I was shocked to discover that he was actively dying and none of his 5 children or other family members was present. I realized that in our culture, we have very little information or encouragement to be present in this difficult but transformational and often deeply spiritual time. … Continue reading Afraid of attending a dying person? Why you needn’t be.

Small Things

Reflecting on the power of community and the potential for small actions to have larger impacts and ripple effects, and about mindfulness and the importance of paying attention to details. Madeline Ostrander is a science journalist and writer whose work has appeared in, The Nation, Sierra magazine, PBS’s NOVA Next, Slate, and numerous other outlets. … Continue reading Small Things

Becoming Midwives to a Changing World

In the Celtic world this is a time called Imbolc, known to bring the gift of insight and inspiration. A time to bring our curiosity, our questioner forward, to act as midwives for what brings justice and truth to a world badly in need. How might we discern between how we live currently and what … Continue reading Becoming Midwives to a Changing World

Finding Common Ground in a Time of Division

We are living in a time of great division within our country. Tyler and Mike will discuss why we believe finding common ground is important for the health of our families, communities and country. We will be breaking up into small groups to explore what we can do as individuals and as a congregation to … Continue reading Finding Common Ground in a Time of Division

A Sanctuary People

How can we cultivate spiritual strength and resilience during times of global crises? How might we learn to build trust across differences in today’s polarized nation? Come join us as we explore these interdisciplinary questions through the lens of peacebuilding and ecological renewal. Rev. Jennifer (she/her) is an interfaith minister ordained in the Unitarian Universalist tradition. She … Continue reading A Sanctuary People