Faith Formation for Children and Youth
Our vision is to provide an environment that nurtures spiritual growth and opportunities for religious discovery through teaching and modeling our seven Unitarian Universalist Principles.

- We believe that each and every person is important.
- We believe that all people should be treated fairly and kindly.
- We believe that we should accept one another and keep on learning together.
- We believe that each person must be free to search for what is true and right in life.
- We believe that all persons should have a vote about the things that concern them.
- We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world.
- We believe in caring for our planet Earth, the home we share with all living things.
We believe that faith is a journey we take together. Religious education takes a lifetime. It happens both within and beyond a congregation’s walls. We support one another as individuals, families, and communities in an ongoing search for truth and meaning. We strive to guide one another—all ages among us—in religious questioning, personal change, and discovering ways to better live in faith.
The last few years since the global pandemic have been a time of profound challenges in our society, and that includes our Cedars community, so at this point in time, faith formation activities for children and youth on are not being held on Sunday mornings, however we seeking to bring back the once vibrant program that we had prior to COVID.
We are very excited to have a small group of families who have formed recently and are interested in supporting each other together with others in the Cedars community in learning and growing together. Once we have gathered a “critical mass” of children of similar ages so that the program can be sustainable, we are anticipating meeting during the Sunday services with one parent leading the activities for the day with a cadre of volunteers from the congregation to support them.
If you would like to learn more about how the process of re-imagining our children’s and youth faith formation program is progressing or be a part of this exciting transformation, please take a moment to provide your contact information by clicking here and we will follow up with you to let you know how your family can connect with other families who share our vision of a more just, peaceful, and caring world.
(Please note that you are absolutely welcome to bring your children of any age into our meeting space with you for the duration of any Sunday service you would like to attend. We will have coloring books and other materials available to keep your younger children engaged and your older children may be interested in listening to the service, however until we have a regular faith formation up and running again on Sunday mornings, there will not be a place for children to go within the Island School building or organized activities to participate in.)