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Through the Storm: Finding Light in Life’s Changes

We ALL face challenging changes and losses in our lives–whether it be a change in our health, the loss of a loved one, or the evaporation of a dream. And every time we face such changes, we are offered a powerful spiritual choice. Rev. Kate Lore is a Unitarian Universalist minister known for her work … Continue reading Through the Storm: Finding Light in Life’s Changes

Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

This talk will focus on the potent inner/outer landscape: the intersection between who we feel we are internally and how we behave in the world. As areas of confluence in the natural world, ecotones are especially rich in biodiversity. Viewing ecotones as a concept, we can begin to apply their value in human contexts – … Continue reading Spiritual Life as an Ecotone

We Are Called

The architect, philosopher and futurist R. Buckminster Fuller wrote, “We arecalled to be architects of the future, not its victims.” In our changing worldthat call has become increasingly urgent: when we hear it, how can werespond in ways that help create the future we hope to see? The Reverend Carol McKinley, now retired, lives in … Continue reading We Are Called