Services at:
8553 NE Day Rd (The Island School)
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
See our Calendar for details Directions
Office at:
Cedars Center
(our offices, meeting center and mailing address)
284 Madrona Way #128, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Office hours: Tuesday–Thursday 9 a.m to 2 p.m. Directions
The search committee members achieved a significant milestone in the search process at the end of January by uploading our congregational profile into the UUA’s Ministry Search System. This required the assembly of a lot of information about our congregation that prospective ministers who are searching for positions can view to find out more about us and … Continue reading Ministerial Search Committee Update
Cedars is collecting donations of NEW socks, underwear, and pajamas (all sizes) for women and children. We will also collect VISA, Target, and Safeway gift cards. These items will be donated to the YWCA Alive Shelter, whose vision is dedicated to ensuring the personal safety, rights, welfare, and dignity of those who experience domestic abuse. … Continue reading Donations for Women and Children Experiencing Domestic Violence
The Suquamish Community Kitchen organizers held a Thank You Dinner on December 2 for their community cooking teams of which Cedars is one of them. Mike Cox, Jeff Philip, Liz Motter, Dean Sampson, Carolyn and Rod Kempkes attended and enjoyed a great “Taco Tuesday” with the Suquamish community.
Cedars will host a donations drive for the Helpline House every Sunday in November. There will be a collection box at The Island School every Sunday throughout the month of November. You can find their list of requested items here. Please consider giving this season. For more information, contact Naomi Gary at
Did you miss a Service, or do you want to listen to a great sermon again? The Tech Team is making audio recordings of our Services and has posted several to our website. You can find them in our Service Archive here. They are usually uploaded by the Friday following the Service.
We focus our spring Stewardship Campaign on renewing our pledge of financial commitment to Cedars Unitarian Universalist Church. A strong financial foundation is critical to ensuring we are planning for a successful year ahead. And every dollar you pledge is welcome and generous. I am also reminded at this time of year, that pledges and … Continue reading Stewardship is about more than money
I love my chosen communities. Cedars is one of the most important communities to me. You may have noticed that I say YES to many things in our Unitarian Universalist Congregation. From social action, to teaching the next generation about our values. From the simple act of arriving early and setting up our space on Sunday, to serving on … Continue reading Saying yes energizes me
We have brought back our annual Hosted Event Sales. People in the congregation are offering events and gatherings as a way to build community and raise some funding for Cedars. You will find something for everyone, including: Tickets will be sold during the next three Sunday mornings after Worship Service. You can also review the … Continue reading Enjoy Spring and Summer with Friends
Every 15 years, Unitarian Universalist Congregations are asked to review Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Last June, delegates to General Assembly overwhelmingly (86%) voted to further explore the Purposes, Principles (Values) and Sources (Inspirations). This year, we will be asked to vote on whether to adopt them as a new foundation which ties UU’s … Continue reading Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Purposes, Values and Inspirations