Category: Cedars News

All news relating to Cedars

Shifting Sands

This past week has been a shock for many of us. Rev. Zackrie Vinczen announced his resignation from Cedars last Sunday, after five years of professional ministry. His announcement comes as we are entering the summer season, a time when many folks are planning summer vacations, planning to enjoy the warm weather at home or … Continue reading Shifting Sands

A Time to Commit to Cedars

You are what makes this Unitarian Universalist community thrive. Because we join together each week, each month, and throughout the year, we create something special. We create a place where our ideas and thoughts can be shared. A place where we create friendship. Even a place where we can gather to do some good in … Continue reading A Time to Commit to Cedars

Saying yes energizes me

I love my chosen communities. Cedars is one of the most important communities to me. You may have noticed that I say YES to many things in our Unitarian Universalist Congregation. From social action, to teaching the next generation about our values. From the simple act of arriving early and setting up our space on Sunday, to serving on … Continue reading Saying yes energizes me

Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Purposes, Values and Inspirations

Every 15 years, Unitarian Universalist Congregations are asked to review Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Last June, delegates to General Assembly overwhelmingly (86%) voted to further explore the Purposes, Principles (Values) and Sources (Inspirations). This year, we will be asked to vote on whether to adopt them as a new foundation which ties UU’s … Continue reading Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Purposes, Values and Inspirations