Author: Carolyn Kerns

Working with Shadows

Working with Shadows In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with live stream Rev. Zackrie VinczenGregory Cook, Worship Associate Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote “to light a candle is to cast a shadow.” In this service we will reflect on this insight as we consider the shadows our own light casts.

Brunch & Banter: Hope in the Time of Climate Change

Brunch & Banter: Hope in the Time of Climate Change In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. No live-stream will be available for this service. Mike Cox, Service Facilitator   Join us for a time of gathering, sharing a meal, hymns, and meaningful conversation. Mike Cox will facilitate the program.  Bring your curiosity, questions, and … Continue reading Brunch & Banter: Hope in the Time of Climate Change

A New Year Opportunity 

Cedars has been supporting Super Suppers on Bainbridge for many years. Once per month, we partner with Congregation Kol Shalom to serve a healthy, hearty meal to people at the Eagle Harbor Congregational Church. It has become such a success that the number of people volunteering exceeds the need.  The Social Justice Committee has recently been working … Continue reading A New Year Opportunity 

Christmas Eve

Webster Hall was filled with carol-singing and candlelight last Sunday evening as we gathered for a special Christmas Eve Service in which Rev. Zackrie helped us recognize and appreciate the present-day significance of the original nativity story.

New Year Opportunities

Many people make resolutions on New Year’s Eve. One poll found that 37% of respondents made one in 2022. Another survey found that the average resolution lasts 3.74 months. The poll also revealed that just 8% of respondents stick with their goals for one month, 22% last two months, 22% last three months, and 13% last four months. … Continue reading New Year Opportunities

At the Threshold

At the Threshold In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with live stream Rev. Zackrie Vinczen Worship Associates:Jenny Weaver, Johanna Munson  This service will invite us into a space of ritual reflection as we prepare to cross the threshold into a new year. Come with your intentions, hopes, and imagination as we navigate this liminal … Continue reading At the Threshold

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service In-person service in Webster Hall at 6:00 p.m. No live stream available for this service. Rev. Zackrie Vinczen Worship Associates:Nancy Philip, Johanna Munson, Jenny Weaver  What if the Christmas story were to happen today? Join us for this candle-light service of lessons and carols as we reimagine the nativity narrative in present day … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Donations: Women & Children Experiencing Domestic Violence

At our Christmas Eve gathering, Cedars will collect donations of new socks, underwear, and pajamas (all sizes) for women and children. We will also collect VISA and Safeway gift cards. They will be donated to the YWCA Alive Shelter whose vision is dedicated to ensuring the personal safety, rights, welfare, and dignity of those who … Continue reading Donations: Women & Children Experiencing Domestic Violence