Author: Carolyn Kerns

Isten Adjon

Isten Adjon In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie VinczenGregory Cook, Worship Associate The differences between Unitarian Universalism in the United States and Unitarianism in Transylvania seem vast on their surface, and yet we consider ourselves to be partners in our religious endeavors.  In this service we will explore characteristics … Continue reading Isten Adjon

All Souls Day

All Souls Day In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev. Zackrie Vinczen Reflecting on the dead and our relationship to them can help give our lives meaning. This week you are invited to join us in a ritual of reflection as we consider the way we are still in relationship with … Continue reading All Souls Day

When Myth Becomes Reality

When Myth Becomes Reality In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen Johanna Munson, Worship Associate Given enough time, the origin stories of just about any organization become steeped in myth. Sometimes this is intentional and other times not.  In this service we will look at examples of such origin stories … Continue reading When Myth Becomes Reality

The Gnostics

The Gnostics In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen Nancy Philip, Worship Associate Gnostic is a term often applied to heretical sects of Christians in the 2nd century. Despite the catch all nature this title offers, there was a broad range of diversity in the rituals and myths of these … Continue reading The Gnostics

Time and History

Time and History In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen Nancy Philip, Worship Associate Unitarian minister and theologian James Luther Adams played a major role in shaping contemporary Unitarian Universalist theology. This service is the second in a series of sermons exploring the legacy of JLA and will focus on … Continue reading Time and History

Special Delivery

Special Delivery In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen Tyler Weaver, Worship Associate Theater has long been a means to share social critique on critical issues. In this service, we will have fun while considering an example of theater playing such a role.  

Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Disarmament In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Senji Kenaeda & Rev Gilberto Z. Perez During this service, representatives from the Nippozan Myohoji Buddhist Temple will be sharing their commitment to nuclear disarmament and how this stand is rooted in their Buddhist faith.

Water Ceremony

Water Ceremony   In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen  Nancy Philip, Worship Associate Each year the Cedars Community gathers together to reflect on our connection to water and each other.  We hope that you will join us for this annual tradition by bringing a small sample of water from your … Continue reading Water Ceremony

When Perfection Isn‘t the Goal

When Perfection Isn‘t the Goal  In-person service in Webster Hall at 10:00 a.m. with Live-Stream Rev Zackrie Vinczen Gregory Cook, Worship Associate In his book “The Underachiever’s Manifesto: The Guide to Accomplishing Little and Feeling Great” Ray Bennett makes an argument against toxic productivity and overwork. In this Service, we will explore this worldview and consider the wisdom it has to … Continue reading When Perfection Isn‘t the Goal