Author: Admin

Reform Our Justice System: Targeting the Poor

Banning debt-based drivers license suspensions is a goal of the Kitsap Equity, Race, And Community Engagement Coalition, Kitsap ERACE. The organization’s criminal justice team added the objective to its list of collective actions after conferring with those working with impacted people. Your license can be suspended if you can’t afford to pay a traffic ticket, and … Continue reading Reform Our Justice System: Targeting the Poor

A Special Message

A big THANK YOU to everyone who made donations through our Halloween Fundraiser. ​Together, we raised $9,122 of this year’s goal of $13,500!! Wahoo! The FUNdraising Committee is regrouping now and exploring all sorts of ideas for upcoming FUNdraisers. Come join us in this creative activity! As you may know, a sizeable portion of Cedars’ annual operating … Continue reading A Special Message

COVID-19 Symptoms? Get tested now!

Public health officials are urging Kitsap residents to get tested as quickly as possible if they have any COVID symptoms, no matter how mild.It has taken an average of 3.4 days for positive cases in Kitsap County to get tested for COVID-19 after first experiencing symptoms. This delay increases the potential for spreading the virus to … Continue reading COVID-19 Symptoms? Get tested now!

UUA Disaster Relief Fund News

At least eight families in the Rogue Valley UU Fellowship in Ashland Oregon have lost homes to wildfires that continue to rage in Oregon and other western states, according to the congregation’s minister, the Rev. Sean Parker Dennison. Almost everyone in the congregation, which has about 150 members, was forced to evacuate, although most have now returned … Continue reading UUA Disaster Relief Fund News

Paying Attention as a Spiritual Practice

Faith Formation at Cedars Finding ways to pay attention when the world feels overwhelming can help us find and keep our balance. First shared on the Cedars Facebook page, this video from Kathryn Jay explores rewarding possibilities in this spiritual practice.

September Special Collection

Cedars’ Special Collection for the month of September will be for the Bremerton NAACP Legal Defense fund to support their project on police accountability and citizen review boards in Kitsap County. The Bremerton NAACP Legal Defense Fund has initiated a project to meet with police officials of all law enforcement departments in Kitsap County. The … Continue reading September Special Collection

Religious Education News

RE Classes Suspended RE Classes will not meet again until worship services resume at The Island School. -The Religious Education Committee 

Staying Connected Through Shelter-in-Place

How to Communicate NowDuring the Shelter-in-Place, your Cedars staff and Board of Trustees continue to conduct church business and to work on your behalf. We are following practices that consider the health and well-being of our Cedars community. You can find information and fellowship through communications and activities provided online.  Check The Beacon, the church … Continue reading Staying Connected Through Shelter-in-Place

In Our Community

Cedars member, Carol Ann Davidson, will be teaching an online Chair Yoga class through Dayaalu Center. There is a pre-recorded free class for you to try, and there will be Zoom live-stream classes on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. Thursday classes will be offered with sliding scale pricing. To find a class and register through Dayaalu, click … Continue reading In Our Community