A Special Message

A big THANK YOU to everyone who made donations through our Halloween Fundraiser.

Together, we raised $9,122 of this year’s goal of $13,500!! Wahoo!

The FUNdraising Committee is regrouping now and exploring all sorts of ideas for upcoming FUNdraisers. Come join us in this creative activity!

As you may know, a sizeable portion of Cedars’ annual operating budget comes from these special efforts. Now, more than ever, we need fresh ideas – inviting and including members and friends who “think virtually” and could suggest creative ways to FUNdraise. The Committee meets via Zoom and is flexible with meeting days and times. Let us know if you’d like to attend a meeting to check us out.

Anyone interested in bringing fresh ideas and energy to FUNdraising for Cedars is welcome to join this small band of merriment: Jane Martin, Bob Meredith, Dean & Pat Sampson and Patti Shannon.