Small Event Fundraising for Cedars

We are bringing Hosted Events back again this year! The objective is to provide creative and enjoyable opportunities for Cedars people to know and appreciate each other better while helping with fundraising to support the congregation’s ongoing operation.

Sponsors (like you) get to determine what the event will be, such as themed or special menu dining, performance entertainment, or perhaps even exotic game instruction (rumor has it that Mahjongg has some Cedars fans). 

Tickets will be sold for a small fundraising fee (perhaps about $20-$30), and Cedars will be the beneficiary. 

Need ideas? Check out these Examples of Past Events. When you are ready to submit your event, go to the Event Submission Form. You can propose multiple dates. The planning team will notify you of the date selected, and who has purchased a ticket for your event. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Jeff Philip
President, Board of Trustees